Il corten in città è molto apprezzato per le sue grandi doti di resistenza agli agenti atmosferici, agli atti vandalici e alla corrosione

Corten in the city increasingly in use for its strength and beauty

Corten in the city is highly valued for its great weathering, vandalism and corrosion resistance qualities

The reconstruction of Korolenka Street in the city of Dnipro (Ukraine) was completed in 2020. The intervention involved the pedestrian zone: its appearance was transformed through the use of corten steel in the city.

Ukrainian architects have been using Cor-ten for finishing the facades of commercial buildings for several years now, but this is the first time that this atmosphere-resistant steel has been used so creatively in landscape design to finish a street.

The reasons for the use of corten in the city

One of the goals of the reconstruction was to create a creative space that is in harmony with the city’s architecture and at the same time attracts attention while limiting the damage of time and corrosion as much as possible. A special feature of Cor-ten is its excellent compatibility with greenery and natural stone, from which benches, wastebaskets and sidewalks are made.

The application of Cor-ten has also become possible in the direct vicinity of fountains, because during periodic watering and drying the material is naturally protected against corrosion.

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But this was not the only case. Here are what other cases of corten in the city:


Many cities around the world have used Corten steel to enrich their public spaces. Some well-known examples include:

New York, USA: The famous High Line Park in Manhattan uses Corten steel for its walkways and architectural structures.

London, UK: Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre on the banks of the Thames features Corten steel elements in its structure.

Paris, France: Martin Luther King Park in northeast Paris uses Corten steel to create a series of paths and structures.

Sydney, Australia: The Sydney Garden, part of the Royal Botanic Garden, uses Corten steel in various artworks and decorative structures.

Berlin, Germany: The Mauerpark, built on the site of the former Berlin Wall, features several Corten steel installations.

Toronto, Canada: Roy Thompson Hall, one of Toronto’s major concert halls, has a facade featuring Corten steel panels.

Barcelona, Spain: Les Glòries Shopping Center uses Corten steel in some of its structures and decorations.

Brisbane, Australia: The Roma Street Parkland features artwork and Corten steel structures.

Chicago, USA: Millennium Park is home to several sculptures and artworks made of Corten steel.

Seoul, South Korea: The Seoul Olympic Park used Corten steel in some of its structures and fences.

These are just a few examples, but they show how widely Corten steel has been used in public space projects in many cities around the world.

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